Азат Советбекович Сакебаев


Уважаемые коллеги, партнеры и представители общественности

Мы гордимся тем, что создаём напитки, которые объединяют людей, дарят радость и заботятся о здоровье. Наша компания следует высоким стандартам качества, совмещая традиции и инновации, чтобы каждый наш продукт приносил удовольствие и соответствовал ожиданиям наших клиентов.

Мы стремимся быть не только производителем, но и надёжным партнёром, который вносит вклад в развитие индустрии и заботится о будущем. Благодарим вас за доверие к нашей продукции. Ваша поддержка вдохновляет нас двигаться вперёд и достигать новых вершин!



High-quality beer, created with attention to tradition and modern tastes


Our brewery has modern imported equipment. The company also has a mini-cooker, which allows you to brew experimental and craft foam drinks.The cooking process takes place using the traditional method according to ancient recipes. We brew beer in accordance with the "Purity Law" adopted in Bavaria in 1516. This law obliges the brewer to place high demands on the choice of ingredients, which serves as a reliable consumer protection tool. According to the "Purity Law", only the following ingredients can be used in beer production: malt, hops and special "beer" water. In addition, all our products comply with ISO 22000 standards, a series of international standards in the field of food safety, the certificate of which we annually confirm. The perfect combination of the best malt and hop varieties, as well as crystal clear water from an artesian well 120 meters deep (specially refined and softened to the standard of "beer" water), as well as the skill of our brewers allows us to create a unique taste of beer according to European traditions.

Beverage shop

Modern production of soft drinks

Beverage shop

The non-alcoholic products shop is equipped with modern imported equipment. Crystal clear artesian water and European raw materials of the highest quality without the addition of GMOs are used in the production of beverages. The quality and reliability of our products is confirmed by the ISO 22000 certificate, a series of international standards in the field of food safety, which our company follows and is accredited annually. The production lines are fully equipped and allow timely production and delivery of products to the Kyrgyz market. Each batch is checked in the central laboratory for compliance with the composition of useful elements and the carbonation level of carbonated beverages in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Today, our product range consists of the following soft drinks: Energy drink "NITRO", Tea "Salam Ice Tea", Vitaminized water "Zhivaya", "Nashe" lemonade Kvass "Boyarsky" Mineral water "Issyk-Ata Tunguch" "Zhivoy Kvas"- Rye" "Zhivoy Kvasы-Oat".


Strict quality control at all stages of production


The laboratory is accredited to all the requirements of international standards, responsible for quality control of products at all stages of the technological process. The laboratory takes samples of all products at all stages of production, including all strategic raw materials and components, and conducts product tests in accordance with GOST. With the help of special manipulations, chemists carry out analyses: for carbon dioxide, for color, for alcohol content, for acidity, for the density of the initial wort and other product parameters.

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